Wall Crazy Help — Walls


Introduction to Walls

A Wall is a collection of items and threads that have been positioned, and have data added to create a graphical representation of information. A can have the following properties:

On the main menu, tap the Walls item to open the Wall manager.

Wall manager

The Wall manager is used to:

  • Switch between walls
  • Create new walls
  • Delete walls
  • Rename walls
  • Import walls
  • Export walls

The annotated image on the right shows the Wall manager appearance and controls.

In the image to the right, delete is disabled. The wall being edited cannot be deleted.

wall manager

Walls can also be imported from Email and .zWall files in the Files app. When importing a wall, you may be asked to override or skip identical items.

Wall properties

Every wall has a properties which can be modified. Most can be changed via the Information display.

Wall information Wall tools

In the images above, on the left is the information display when the wall is selected. On the right is the full set of tools for changing wall properties.

The wall size can be changed by using the Wall size option on the Main menu

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