Wall Crazy Help — Threads


Introduction to Threads

A Thread is used to indicate some kind of relationship between two ore more Items. Thread are defined in a Theme as a Template. A Thread can be added to a Wall as follows:

  1. Select a thread type at the lower left
  2. At an item, draw a closed loop
  3. Continue dragging to another item
  4. Draw another loop at the second item
  5. Stop dragging to finish the thread

A brief video of this process is available here.

Placing a Thread on a Wall

Placing a Thread on a Wall

Tools for modifying Items

Once placed on the Wall, a Thread can be added, deleted, or modified by using the Information Display at the lower right of the view. Items can have multiple descriptions associated with it. All associated data can be examined and manipulated via the Information Display.

Information display image

Information display

The following annotated images describe the tools available when one or more Items are selected.

Information display threads= tools

Tools when one Thread is selected

Information display tools for multiple selected threads

Tools with multiple Threads selected

Information display tools for threads and items

Tools with Threads and Items selected

One of the tools above Add text ICON image can be used to add text to Threads. The process is the same as with Items. The screen shot below shows adding the text. The screen shot below that shows the result in the Information Display.

screenshot of adding text

Adding a map

screenshot after text was added

Thread information after text was added

Moving thread pins

Each segment of a Thread is anchored by a pin. Pins can be moved, added to, or deleted from, a Thread segment. To move a pin, use a long press on a pin until the Thread segments attached to the pin turn into dashed lines. The pin can now be moved as desired. A brief video of this is available here.

Moving a Thread pin

Moving a Thread pin

Moving a Thread segment

A segment of a Thread can be moved if the segment is

  1. Not attached to an item
  2. Is not the first or last segment of a Thread

Move a Thread segment by using a tap and hold until the Thread becomes a dashed line. Drag to move the segment to the desired location and release.

Moving a Thread segment

Moving a Thread segment

Thread templates

As mentioned earlier, each Thread is based on a template. Templates are collected into Themes. Documentation for Themes and Templates is available here.

More help

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