Wall Crazy Help — Items


Introduction to Items

An Item has an appearance (shape, color, size, etc.) and also is a place to collect information like a title, text, photos, maps, and web pages. Each Item is based on a template item from a theme. Items are placed on a wall by dragging an Item from the selection of templates at the left of the view. A brief video of this process is available here.

Placing an Item on a Wall

Placing an Item on a Wall

Tools for modifying Items

Once placed on the Wall, an Item can be added, deleted, or modified by using the Information Display at the lower right of the view. Items can have multiple text, photos, maps, and web pages associated with it. All associated data can be examined and manipulated via the Information Display.

Information display image

Information display

The following annotated images describe the tools available when one or more Items are selected.

Information display item tools

Tools when one Item is selected

Information display tools for multiple selected item

Tools when multiple Items are selected

Information display tools for threads and items

Tools when Items and Threads are selected

Adding information to an Item

Four kinds of data can be added to an Item: text Add text icon image, photos Add photo icon image, maps Add map icon image, and web pages Add webpage icon image. The following annotated screen captures describe the process of adding text to an Item.

Begin by selecting an Item and then scrolling the tools to find the add text ICON: Add text icon image. Tap the ICON to start adding text to the Item.

Adding text step 1

Begin by tapping the add text icon

Enter text in the view that appears. Text can be styled (font and color) and keywords can also be added.

Adding text step 2

Add the desired text

Once the text is added, it will appear in the Information Display in the lower left. The text can be edited by either tapping the edit ICON Edit ICON image, or double tapping the text.

After text is added

After text is added

If desired, the text can be selected for display on the Wall with the Item. Tap the star ICON Mark text for display ICON to enable or disable display.

The same process can be used to add photos, maps, and webpages. The annotated screen captures below show the editors for each of these data types.

Photos can be added from your photo library, or by taking a photo with the device's camera. The photo can be cropped, and if the Item is not a symbol, the photo can be masked to the shape of the Item's geometrical shape.

screenshot of adding a photo

Adding a photo

Annotated screenshot after adding photo

After adding cropped, masked photo

A map requires a location be supplied. A pin with a label can optionally be added.

screenshot of adding a map

Adding a map

Many webpages are dynamic in nature. Some, like news web sites change minute by minute. You may want your webpage to be dynamic, that is, changes every time it is presented. Or, you may want a static view of the page. Take snapshot will record an image of the webpage currently on screen. The Use snapshot will display the snapshot rather than reloading the web page from the network.

screenshot of adding a webpage

Adding a webpage

Item templates

As mentioned earlier, each Item is based on a template. Templates are collected into Themes. Documentation for Themes and Templates is available here.

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