Screen shot of bnClock with date and weather


[27 Jul 24]
Verion 5.5 of bnClock has two added features:
  • Appearance settings now has a Show battery level option
  • Weather settings now allows Current temperature only to be displayed in any of the four corners of the display
[5 Jun 24]
bnClock 5.4 is available. Changes are as follows:
  • A new Appearance settings option to enable/disable swiping right or left on the clock to edit alarms
  • Weather settings has a new option to adjust the size of Current temperature only
  • Quick actions menu changes:
    1. Alarms was added. This option opens Alarm settings
    2. Appearances was renamed to Appearance settings
  • A bug was fixed that caused the alarm time displayed in single alarm mode to display poorly when the clock face was either dot-matrix or nixie.
[2 May 24]
Version 5.3 of bnClock is available. Changes are as follows:
  • Alarms are updated to allow a single alarm to repeat for specific days of the week
  • An Appearance setting, Hide iOS home indicator bar, was added to allow hiding the iOS home indicator bar (that white line that may appear at the bottom of your screen)
  • A Weather setting, Add weather ICON, was added to display a single current weather status ICON when Current temperature only is selected
  • A bug causing some settings not to work properly was fixed
  • A bug that caused the current temperature as -99° (-73°C) was fixed. "--" may be temporarily displayed as the current temperature while waiting for data from OpenWeather
  • Other minor bug fixes
[ 1 May 24]
A new FAQ (frequently asked question) describes how to install bnClock on a device running iOS older than version 12
[17 Feb 24]
bnClock 5.2.1 is available in the App Store. This version fixes several bugs and improves compatibility with iOS 17.
[23 May 23]
Version 5.2 of bnClock is available in the App Store. This version no longer supports iOS 9 or 10. As noted, this is because Apple no longer permits new submissions for iOS 9/10.
Changes to bnClock 5.2 include:
  • A new Appearance Settings option to add additional dimming to the weather icons
  • The look of the Appearance settings has changed slightly
  • References to iOS 9 and 10 were removed
  • Bug fixes
[19 Apr 23]
I'm sorry to report that Apple has decided to restrict the versions of software that can be used to build applications for the App Store. This means that bnClock 5.1.4 will be the last version that runs on older Apple devices. Future releases will require at least iOS 11.
[20 Jan 23]
bnClock 5.1.4 was released and fixes some rarely occurring bugs
[17 Nov 22]
Version 5.1.3 was released today. Changes include:
  • Should fix an issue that caused a crash at startup on some devices running iOS 9.3.5
  • Fixed an issue caused by changes at OpenWeatherMap
  • Fixed some minor appearance issues
[30 Jul 22]
bnClock 5.1.1 was released with the following changes:
  • The keyboard no longer hides the Done and Cancel buttons in Weather Settings
  • The main menu should be somewhat easier to tap
  • Space was added between the main menu items to make the items easier to select
  • The Done button in some views was moved to make it easier to tap
[ 7 Jun 22]
Changes to bnClock 5.1 are:
  • When an iPhone running bnClock is in portrait orientation, you can have the digits vertically stacked so that digits are larger. Use the new Allow stacked digits option in the Appearance settings
  • A few small bugs were also fixed
[ 3 Dec 21]
Version 5.0 of bnClock is now available. Notable changes are:
  • Clock background colors can be created
  • A photograph can be used as a clock background
  • An album of photographs can be used as clock background slide show
  • An option was added to display only the current temperature rather than a full forecast
[26 Aug 21]
bnClock version 4.3 was released today. Changes include:
  • The OpenWeatherMap api key is shared via iCloud to all devices using bnClock 4.3 or later
  • Using iCloud, clock face colors are shared between all devices running bnClock 4.3 or later
  • Four built-in alarm sounds were added
  • What's new? can now be accessed via About
  • A few minor bugs were fixed
[21 Jul 21]
Version 4.2 of bnClock, released today, supports custom clock face colors.
[ 1 Jul 21]
Just released, the weather display is back in bnClock version 4.1.
  • The forecast is now provided by OpenWeatherMap logo
    Note that the weather updates twice per day (compared to 3 or 4 for the previous service). There are instructions available to change this to updating every 10 minutes.
  • A What's New? feature was also added. It will appear once for each new version of bnClock. What's New? can also be view from Help.
[10 Jun 21]
Yahoo! has retired their free weather API and has no plans for a replacement. As a result bnClock cannot display the weather. It also disables the sunset to sunrise dimming of the clock. We are searching for a replacement, but it make take some time to find a free replacement. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Version 4.0.3, released today, temporarily disables the weather display and explains the reason.
[ 8 Feb 21]
bnClock 4.0 was released today. Changes include
  • Multiple alarms; each alarm has a wakeup sound and snooze time
  • Additional built-in alarm sounds and clock face colors
  • Expanded help
  • Bug fixes, including some issues related to dimming the clock between dusk and dawn
[ 8 Dec 20]
Version 3.3 was released today. A new clock face, a seven segment display, was added. A few layout glitches were also fixed.
[ 4 Oct 20]
bnClock 3.2 was released today. Changes include:
  • New alternate seconds indicators in addition to blinking the colon — no indicator, a line or a circle indicator
  • Snooze touch has priority now resets the alarm as soon as a long press has exceeded 2.5 seconds rather than making you guess when 2.5 seconds has elapsed
  • Some minor layout issues were corrected
[ 4 Sep 20]
Version 3.1 of bnClock was released today. This version adds a new Snooze touch has priority mode. When enabled and the alarm is playing, any touch on the screen is interpreted as a snooze request. Use a long press of more that 2.5 seconds to reset the alarm for tomorrow.
[10 Aug 20]
bnClock 3.0.1 was released today. This is a bug fix release.
[29 Mar 20]
bnClock 3.0 was released today. New features include:
  • An new clock display format: 5x7 LED matrix
  • Additional color choices for your clock: blue, green, red, violet, and yellow
[28 Jan 20]
bnClock 2.5.2 was released today. Bug fixes include:
  • sometimes the alarm did not reset to the next day
  • in some cases, the low temperature forecast did not display correctly
[13 Aug 19]
bnClock 2.5.1 is a bug fix release. Fixes include:
  • a bug that could in rare cases cause a crash
  • a bug that caused the "Always use system brightness" in the Appearance Settings to not work correctly
[24 Mar 19]
bnClock 2.5 was released today.
  • In the appearance settings, the clock style choice is now a miniature version of the clock rather than text.
  • Bug fixes
[16 Feb 19]
bnClock 2.4.1 was released. Changes include:
  • The weather display is once again working
  • Minor bug fixes
[22 Oct 18]
bnClock 2.4 was released. Changes include:
  • By request, a Cancel was added to all of the preferences
  • Also by request, additional reminders of the device not being plugged in were added